
  • T Rex And The Crater Of Doom Ebook Readers
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 01:04

    Author by: Walter Alvarez Language: en Publisher by: Princeton University Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 25 Total Download: 796 File Size: 42,9 Mb Description: Sixty-five million years ago, a comet or asteroid larger than Mount Everest slammed into the Earth, inducing an explosion equivalent to the detonation of a hundred million hydrogen bombs. Vaporized detritus blasted through the atmosphere upon impact, falling back to Earth around the globe. Disastrous environmental consequences ensued: a giant tsunami, continent-scale wildfires, darkness, and cold, followed by sweltering greenhouse heat. When conditions returned to normal, half the plant and animal genera on Earth had perished. This horrific chain of events is now widely accepted as the solution to a great scientific mystery: what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? Walter Alvarez, one of the Berkeley scientists who discovered evidence of the impact, tells the story behind the development of the initially controversial theory. It is a saga of high adventure in remote locations, of arduous data collection and intellectual struggle, of long periods of frustration ended by sudden breakthroughs, of friendships made and lost, and of the exhilaration of discovery that forever altered our understanding of Earth's geological history.

    Author by: Andy Weir Language: nl Publisher by: Karakter Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 34 Total Download: 431 File Size: 49,6 Mb Description: Apollo 13 en Gravity meet Cast Away! Mark Watney is een van de eerste astronauten om voet op Mars te zetten. Hij zal waarschijnlijk ook een van de eersten zijn om er te sterven Astronaut Mark Watney is uitverkoren om als een van de eerste mensen voet op Mars te zetten.


    Hij zal waarschijnlijk ook een van de eersten zijn om daar te sterven. Nadat een zandstorm hem bijna fataal wordt en de overige bemanning, die ervan overtuigd is dat hij is omgekomen, zich gedwongen ziet de planeet te verlaten, bevindt Watney zich miljoenen kilometers van de rest van de mensheid verwijderd. Hij heeft geen enkele mogelijkheid om een signaal naar de aarde te versturen en zelfs als dat wel mogelijk zou zijn, zouden zijn voorraden opraken lang voordat een reddingsmissie hem zou kunnen bereiken.

    Bovendien krijgt hij waarschijnlijk niet eens de kans om te verhongeren. De dreiging van het defecte materieel, de vijandige omgeving op Mars of een simpele menselijke fout, kunnen hem eerder fataal worden. Maar Watney vertikt het op te geven. Gedreven door zijn inventiviteit, zijn technische kennis en een hardnekkig weigeren om op te geven probeert hij vastberaden het ene obstakel na het andere te overwinnen. Zal zijn vindingrijkheid genoeg zijn om tegen beter weten in te overleven? `Briljant, en uitermate meeslepend.

    The Wall Street Journal. Author by: Walter Alvarez Language: en Publisher by: W. Norton & Company Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 86 Total Download: 412 File Size: 51,7 Mb Description: The major new work by the best-selling author of T. Rex and the Crater of Doom-a fascinating history. Walter Alvarez and his team made one of the most astonishing scientific discoveries of the twentieth century-that an asteroid smashed into the Earth 65 million years ago, exterminating the dinosaurs. Alvarez had the first glimmer of that amazing insight when he noticed something odd in a rock outcrop in central Italy.

    Alvarez now returns to that rich terrain, this time to take the reader on an distant past. We encounter the volcanoes that formed the Seven Hills of Rome; the majestic limestone Apennine mountains that started to develop millions of years ago under water; the evidence that the Mediterranean Sea completely evaporated to a sunken desert, perhaps several times; and the proof that continental plates once overran one another to form telling, all major geologic episodes are as dramatic as the great impact that killed the dinosaurs, even when they happen over eons and without huge creatures to witness them. Author by: Walter Alvarez Language: en Publisher by: W. Norton & Company Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 18 Total Download: 704 File Size: 42,7 Mb Description: Famed geologist Walter Alvarez expands our view of human history by revealing the cosmic, geologic, and evolutionary forces that have shaped us. One in a million doesn’t even come close.

    Not when we’re talking about the odds that you would happen to be alive today, on this particular planet, hurtling through space. Almost fourteen billion years of cosmic history, over four billion years of Earth history, a couple million years of human history, the rise and fall of nations, the unbroken string of generations necessary to lead to you—it’s staggering to consider. Yet behind everything in our world, from the phone in your pocket to even the force of gravity itself, lies a similarly grand procession of highly improbable events. This panoramic viewpoint has captured the imagination of historians and scientists alike, and together they’ve created a new field—Big History—that integrates traditional historical scholarship with scientific insights to study the full sweep of our universe and its past. Famed geologist Walter Alvarez—best known for the impact theory explaining dinosaur extinction—has championed a science-first approach to Big History, and A Most Improbable Journey is one of the first Big History books to be written by a scientist rather than a historian.

    Alvarez brings his unique expertise and infectious curiosity to give us a new appreciation for the incredible occurrences—from the Big Bang to the formation of supercontinents, the dawn of the Bronze Age, and beyond—that have led to our improbable place in the universe. Author by: Patricia Barnes-Svarney Language: en Publisher by: Visible Ink Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 77 Total Download: 192 File Size: 44,9 Mb Description: Featuring more than 600 questions about dinosaurs—such as What dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds?

    T-rex And The Crater Of Doom


    T-rex And The Crater Of Doom Summary

    Did dinosaurs travel in herds? And Where and what is the Dinosaur Freeway?—this fun-filled fact-book provides a wealth of information on the lives and habits of these astonishing creatures. From the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Stegosaurus, the guide profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions and museums today. Delightful and intriguing, this comprehensive record includes the debates still surrounding the origins and fate of these creatures that dominated the earth for millions of years but seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye.

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